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  • founders.menu 013: 4x fresh Notion templates to download

founders.menu 013: 4x fresh Notion templates to download

Remind yourself of the availability heuristic, get 4x new Notion templates and get a list of subreddits to promote your startup.

Servus & happy Sunday. ☼

Read time this week → 3.2 minutes.

A warm welcome to 4x new subscribers who got a template, an account or signed up directly for the founders.menu newsletter – it’s great to have you!

Starter » a mental model

Availability Heuristic ↓

This bias is attributed to Daniel Kahneman who studied judgment biases in the 1970s and 1980s. The term was originally coined in 1973.

What is it? The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut where people judge the likelihood of an event based on how easily they can recall similar instances. It can lead to biases because vivid or recent events are more easily recalled, leading to overestimation of their likelihood. To avoid this, it's important to consider a broad range of information before making decisions. AKA: don’t jump to conclusions…

Action to take → broaden your perspective by seeking out diverse information sources.

Action to avoid  relying solely on vivid or recent events when making decisions.

Daniel Kahnemann

Ponder this →  Are you taking all information into account for this decision you are about to make? Think again.

Main course » founders.menu update

This week, I focused on creating a list of custom Notion templates that are already available to download. They are mostly for [0] Idea → Concept & [1] Concept → MVP stages – many more will follow.

FOUNDERS Lean Canvas  an actionable entrepreneur-first business plan to make sense of what you want to build early.

FOUNDERS Value Proposition Canvas  visualise the value you create for customers by understanding their needs. Then build a fitting business model.

FOUNDERS Assumption Junction  Brain-dump your biased assumptions and move your startup from clueless knowledge to convincingly validated knowledge.

FOUNDERS SPA Treatment – prioritize your potential customer segments and early adopters to know which to tackle first, next & later.

Alongside existing templates like BOOTSTRAP OS, CREATOR OS, Ideapad and many more, these are the first of many templates yet to come!

What’s next? Add product/listing detail pages & launch the founders.menu/blog to better rank the site on search engines.

Desert » past week’s startup highlights

[1] Supaglue just got acquired by StripeGeorge Xing is one of the Co-Founders of this 4-person startup (only 3 years old). Their purpose? Build an open-source developer platform for user-facing payment integrations.

[2] Alex Tenev, the CEO & Co-Founder of Robinhood just launched the Gold Card, with a generous 3% cashback with 5% cashback on travel scheme. A fast move after acquiring X1 for $95M nine months ago.

[3] Jérémy Goillot, the CEO and Co-Founder of the Mobile First Company just raised $3.5M to develop a suite of mobile apps, each designed to address specific business needs.

[4] Zaver just raised $30M for innovative BNPL payment solutions to accelerate the revolution in mobile payments. Imagine you could buy now, pay later for a Hermes Berkin bag. That’s what Amir Marandi wants to enable.

[5] Since the shutdown of the Mint budgeting app, Co-Pilots Founder & CEO Andres Ugarte has seen massive user growth with budgeting users seeking an alternative. Now, Andres has also raised $6M to fuel the engine.

Sides » this week on early.tools

If you are also ready to get the first version of your landing up and running, why not try our sponsor LaunchList using code: EARLYTOOLS for -20% off? 👀

Closing thoughts

If you ever wanted to promote your startup to an interested audience of prospects who are supporting each other in their entrepreneurial journeys, then this Reddit list by Carlos Valenzuella is going to get you far.

What are you working on this week? What was a high & lowlight?

DM, community & reply-to-email is open.

See you next week. ☻

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